ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Standard – All you need to know

The ISO 45001:2018 Standard is based on the highly successful management method “Plan-do-check-act”.

The Standard emphasizes the principle of continuous improvement of a management system within your organization.

What is ISO 45001:2018 Certification Standard?

The ISO 45001:2018 Standard sets the framework for establishing, implementing and maintaining an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, managing OH&S risks and opportunities.

The aim of ISO 45001:2018 Standard is to promote and protect the physical and mental health of workers, and entrust the responsibility of ensuring employee safety to the organization.

ISO 45001: 2018 Standard Benefits Include:

1. Become an Industry Leader by Embracing Safety Standards

Implementing the ISO 45001:2018 Standard will elevate your organization to international standards of workplace safety. It will help in building a good reputation in the industry.

2. Build Trust and Confidence among Investors and Employees

Enhance employee engagement and retention. Build trust among the investors and your partners. It also helps in boosting the social image and corporate social responsibility, it will have an impact on procuring new business and clients.

3. Practice Consistency and Efficiency

ISO 45001:2018 sets out industry best practices to follow. Organizations are urged to continuously improve their operations ensuring higher safety standards and reducing risks.

4. Lower your Insurance Premium

 ISO 45001:2018 is aimed at reducing risk and hazards in the workplace and avoid workplace accidents.

Having the ISO 45001:2018 Standard in place will help in lowering your insurance premium. The insurance provider will rate your company as low risk one and puts a safety tag for your organization.

5. Improve Individual Safety as Well as Organizational

ISO 45001:2018 emphasis on individual worker’s health and safety as well as the organization overall. It helps in eliminating the risks and hazard in using machinery, conducting warehouse operations, employee’s work, etc.

6. Improve Managerial View

The involvement of management and leadership is an add-on in ISO 45001:2018. It helps in enhancing the efficiency of the system as top management now have to be well aware of the worker’s conditions and the workplace.

It helps in faster decision making and approval of safety standards at a faster pace.

7. Preventative Risk and Hazard Assessment

 The current workplace operations are examined and assessed for potential risks and hazards. Implementing the ISO 45001:2018 mandates to create an internal auditing system that will provide an ‘Early Warning System’ to help spot potential threats to health and safety and rectify them.

8. Increases Return on Investment (ROI)

The ISO 45001:2018 Standard has evident advantages for the organizations, avoiding any potential workplace risk adds up to great cost-savings in the long run.

Specialties of the ISO 45001:2018 Standard

ISO 45001:2018 defines a proactive approach to health and safety management. There no requirement of any new documentations other that recording the evidence of process improvements and the standard documentation as per the ISO Standard’s requirements.

The ISO 45001:2018 Standard emphasis on giving more responsibilities to the leadership and include employee participation more.

The management decision making must include health and safety part of the workers, warehouses and manufacturing units.

ISO 45001:2018 will help the organization greatly in the long run by reducing the risks and hazards included in the manufacturing plants and warehouses especially.

 It helps in lowering insurance premiums, enhance employee retention and transform organizational culture

Who is ISO 45001:2018 Suitable for?

  • Large organizations and enterprises
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Public and non-profit organizations
  • Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Charity Trusts

Implementation of ISO 45001: 2018 Standard?

The ISO 45001 is a risk-based approach and the documented information are only in the form of procedures, forms, records, and instruction for managing risks.

The success of ISO 45001 lies in the true implementation of health and safety practices across the organization. The ISO Standard if just seen as a set of instructions and documents will add no value to the business establishment.

The best practices listed down in the ISO 45001:2018 Standard must be applied by the organization effectively to see the results.

Linking the ISO 45001 standard best practices with your business strategy helps in identifying, assessing, your existing practices, managing and reducing risks.

By fostering a healthy and safety culture within the workplace, employers can expect an increase in productivity and a reduced cost of insurance premiums. Overall, it enhances the organization’s reputation and creates positive staff morale.

Importance of ISO 45001:2018 in Dubai?

In Dubai, ISO 45001: 2018 will help organizations to evaluate the risk and hazards in their organizations and improve workplace safety.

The crux of ISO 45001 standard is ensuring workplace safety through the involvement of top leadership, clear communication, effective processes of identifying risk & hazards.

The benefits for the employees are clear; they will see improved workplace conditions and lessen their risk of injury or illness. It helps in enhanced retention and reduced workplace incidents; employers see evident advantages.

The dynamic business scenario and volume of construction projects, manufacturing operations, and warehouse operations here in Dubai can be benchmarked to the industry best practices through the ISO 45001 Standard.

This will enable companies to secure their employees and workplace assets free from any hazards.

For any assistance on ISO 45001:2018 Certification, reach out to our experts right away!

Contact: Aurion ISO Consultants

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About the author

ISO Consultant who is expert in writing about the latest ISO Certification Standard, Business Benefits of various ISO Standards, Organizational Improvements, ISO Training, ISO Auditing, Latest ISO Certification Amendments and more.