ISO 27001:2013 Standard for IT Security Management – All You Need to Know

ISO 27001:2013 is an Information Security Management Standard for keeping digital information assets secure.

An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

The ISO 27001:2013 Standard does not guarantee to avoid a breach, but it will help in minimizing the occurrence of a data breach and also controls the cost and disruption of a potential security hack.

IT Security Management System – 3 Dimensions

An Organization’s Statement of Sensitivity (SoS) assigns a rating to each of its IT assets across three separate dimensions— confidentiality, integrity, and availability:

  1. Confidentiality:

Ensuring that the information is exclusively accessible to authorized persons only

  1. Integrity:

Ensuring that the information to be secured is accurate and complete, and that information and processing methods are safeguarded

  1. Availability:

Ensuring that authorized persons have access to the protected information and assets when needed

Salient Features:

  • An ISMS Is a System of Managing Data Security
  • Not All Data Are Treated Equally by the ISMS
  • An ISMS Is Dynamic, Not Static
  • An Effective ISMS Is Risk-based
  • ISMS Helps Manage Data Security at Scale
  • Identify, Monitor and Analyze Data Breaches & Incidents

5 Key Benefits of ISO 27001:2013 Standard

1. Improved Security

Implementing the ISO 27001 Standard effectively will help you establish a robust data security management system.

The IT Security Standard requires the organization to follow certain security best practices and constantly implement & monitor the IT systems to ensure there is no vulnerability towards external data breaches or system hacks.

2. Implements Controls

The ISO 27001:2013 Certification will help in creating documentation that is to be used in the future to monitor the IT systems.

The audit team will map out goals and objectives in an actionable approach and distributes the data security responsibility across the concerned teams.

3. Align with Existing Management Systems

ISO 27001:2013 Standard can be integrated with any ISO Management System currently in place in the organization.

 It thereby helps in avoiding any duplication of works and helps in faster and effective implementation of the standard.

4. Continuous Improvement

The world of cybersecurity is ever-evolving. Hence organizations must keep up with the latest security measures to protect their digital data.

The latest ISO 27001:2013 Standard will help in the continuous improvement of your organization’s information technology systems to ensure data security.

5. Quality Assurance

ISO 27001:2013 Standard is globally recognized and certified by external auditors. This enhances the trust and credibility of the organization.

It will also raise customer confidence as cybersecurity is a major threat in today’s world.  If the organization is compliant with ISO 27001 Standard, it assures the quality of services and safeguarding of customer information.

Financial Gains through ISO 27001 Standard Implementation

The ISO 27001 Certification is a unique selling point for IT organizations especially when you handle personal customer information like financial, personal identity, health details, etc.

Information Technology investments especially IT security is a cost center for most organizations. It is a must-have in today’s business ecosystem to ensure smooth business operations and secures the system from any hacks.

The ISO 27001 certification for IT security helps in achieving financial gains and lower organizations expense by preventing potential security attacks through continuous monitoring and optimizing the existing IT Security system.

Cyber Attacks and ISO 27001 Standard

During a data breach, there will be an interruption in service, data leaks, loss of customer data, and so on. The actual loses on such instances is much more than the investment in IT systems security.

It is the ISO 27001 Standard that enables the organization to have close monitoring of the situation and execute the preventive action to lower the risks of potential data breaches.

Cyber-attacks have become common globally and it poses a huge risk for large and small organizations in terms of digital information security.

Cyber breach impacts business in many ways:

  • Loss of customer trust
  • Impact on brand image
  • Financial implications on the company’s bottom line

Hence having a system in place for information risk management is essential in today’s complex world.

Why should you go with ISO 27001 Certification?

As per the ISO 27001 certification procedures, an external body will assess your organization’s information management system.

There are also re-certification checks every year. It ensures continuous monitoring of information security and compliance. It helps in identifying existing risks and safeguard assets.

Key Highlights of ISMS

  • Secured Information
  • Increase resilience
  • Helps respond to evolving security threat
  • Improve company culture
  • Protect confidentiality, integrity and availability of data
  • Organization-wide protection

So implementing ISO 27001 Standard is highly beneficial for organizations as it acts as a preventive measure to control any cybersecurity risks.

ISO 27001 Standard and IT Security in Dubai

IT Security in Dubai is viewed as a very critical component of IT infrastructure in companies in Dubai.

Dubai being a fast-growing city and an IT hub of the Middle East, it is under constant IT surveillance to protect the IT Assets in Dubai from any security breach and external hacks.

Hence, the organizations in Dubai are also compliant with IT security regulations. The ISO 27001 Standard is the best fit for reducing the risk of cyber-attacks and enhancing digital information security.

The certification ensures that the best security practices are executed and continuous testing of the information security controls is conducted at all instances to prevent any potential hacks.

Becoming ISO Certified also helps to gain an economic advantage by reducing the number of external consulting engagements to maintain information security and data protection.

 The internal process will be benchmarked to the best practices and will continue to ensure data protection through constant monitoring and internal audits by the IT employees of the organization itself.

To know more about ISO 27001 Certification, feel free to reach out to us right away!

Contact: Aurion Business Consultants

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About the author

ISO Consultant who is expert in writing about the latest ISO Certification Standard, Business Benefits of various ISO Standards, Organizational Improvements, ISO Training, ISO Auditing, Latest ISO Certification Amendments and more.