ISO 10001:2018 Customer Service Standard – Enhance Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction remains the top priority for all businesses.

Providing exceptional customer experience is essential to gain new customers. It also helps in growing the business account into a long-term contract.

The organizational culture must foster customer service principles to attain business excellence.

Integrating ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO 9001:2015 Certification helps the organization in enhancing customer service. It includes guidelines and process optimization best practices for enhancing customer experience.

The Quality Management System Certification helps organizations to demonstrate enhanced customer engagement.

It also improves stakeholder trust and transforms the organization into a quality first brand.

QMS Standard helps in continuous improvement and provides guidelines for exceeding customer preferences.

How to gauge Customer Satisfaction in your organization?

Analyze the details obtained from the following market research techniques:

  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys,
  • User Opinion Surveys,
  • Client Retention data,
  • Customer Complaint Handling data,
  • CRM Data, Trend Analysis, etc

ISO 10001:2018 Quality Management System for Complaints handling

The ISO 10001:2018 Standard provides guidelines for effective complaint handling.

The scope of ISO 10001:2018 Standard is vast. It covers aspects of Planning, Design, Development, Operations, Maintenance, and Process Improvement.

Developing a Robust Complaint Management System

The Standard facilitates building an effective Complaint Management System. It aims to convert unhappy customers into brand ambassadors.

The standard lists down guidelines in design a robust Customer Service Process.

The Complaint Management System must include provision for:

  • Providing a seamless medium for the customers to communicate complaints
  • Abilities for the organization to easily resolve any issues arising with product quality.

The Complaint Management System is to be designed in such a way that it:

  • Assess and Analyze Customer Complaints
  • Take the customer feedback into an opportunity for organization process improvements

So, a smart complaint management system will help in faster complaint redressal.

It will differentiate you from competitors. Also, demonstrate the importance of including customer feedback in product manufacturing and service delivery.

Complaint Management System Characteristics

The Complaint Management system as required by ISO 10001:2018 Standard will include the following characteristics:

  • Visibility
  • Accessibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Objectivity
  • Confidentiality
  • Customer-Focused Approach
  • Accountability
  • Continual Improvement

Benefits of getting an ISO 10001:2018 Certification for your Organization

1. Customer Confidence

Quality Management principles focus on best practices for delivering exceptional customer satisfaction.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act model will ensure service quality and customer experience is delivered always.

2. Improved Efficiency

Customer Satisfaction perceptions are monitored using customer surveys and feedback.

The required corrective actions are implemented to ensure the organization is following customer-focused business strategies and operations.

3. Better Customer relationship

The ISO 10001:2018 Standard helps an organization to adopt a customer-focused approach. It will help the employees to work closely with the customers by hearing to their complaints and resolving them effectively.

It in turn enhances the customer relationship and helps deliver better customer experience.

4. Continual Improvement

A proactive approach to customer complaints and feedback regarding product quality and service delivery. Continuous implementation and analysis of operations and strategies are practiced.

The involvement of customers and their feedback enables the organization to improve product quality, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Transparent System

The Complaint Management System creates transparency in dealing with customer complaints and redressals.

It helps in bringing in all the best practices of ISO 9001 Quality Management System and enhance the process of complaint management.

It helps in demonstrating to the customers and other stakeholders the importance of complaints handling, the processes in place that analyze customer feedback, and taking the required corrective actions.

Integrated framework for enhancing customer satisfaction

The ISO 10001 Standard provides the guidelines to build an integrated framework for enhancing customer satisfaction and delivering enhanced customer experience.

The framework includes different aspects of customer satisfaction and will act as the base for the robust complaint management system.

Key aspects of the Integrated Framework for achieving enhanced customer satisfaction

1. Analyzing Customer requirements and expectations

There are various methods to analyze customer requirements and expectations. The most common ones are market survey, focus groups, trend analysis, etc.

Depending on the industry sector and various factors like geography, sector type, market growth, etc., customer perceptions differ.

Organizations can use advanced analytics for learning CRM information, client assessments survey results, etc. The aim is to provide effective service delivery and customer experience.

2. Managing Client Expectations

Managing a client’s expectation the right way is crucial for business excellence and long term sustainability.

ISO 10001:2018 Standard facilitates the creation of a code of conduct document that includes the best practices to be followed to meet and exceed client expectations.

3. Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction is a crucial element. It will help to improve the organization’s ability to deliver quality first products and enhance customer satisfaction.

So gathering feedback and product information from the customer is very important.

Advanced analytics and conventional market research techniques could be applied to derive insights on the customer expectation on your product or service.

There is an immense opportunity to improve your products and services by hearing customer feedback.

It will help in converting unsatisfied customers into buyers and achieve long term business sustainability and growth in brand value.

To know more about ISO 10001:2018 Certification, talk to our expert consultants right away!

Contact: Aurion ISO Consultants

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ISO Consultant who is expert in writing about the latest ISO Certification Standard, Business Benefits of various ISO Standards, Organizational Improvements, ISO Training, ISO Auditing, Latest ISO Certification Amendments and more.