ISO 27001:2013 Standard – Why Investing in IT Security Standard is Important?

Cybersecurity is a vital area for organizations in all sectors.  The benefits of Cybersecurity are immense for companies and employees.

Proactive and preventive risk assessment and tapping into the vulnerable areas are the key to protect the organization from any hackers’ threats.

IT Security and its Importance

IT Security is an important part of any business. To ensure the organization is following the industry best practices of IT Security, ISO 27001:2013 Certification is the solution for the organizations.

Why is investing in Information Security Significant?

The Rising Cost of Data Breaches

One data Breach cost the organization loss of monetary and reputational value. According to IBM Data Breach Report, the cost of the data breach has risen to 12% over 5 years.

Globally the cost of a data breach amounts to an average of USD 3.92 Million per incident. It takes account of multiple cost factors, ranging from legal to regulatory to technical activities.

Increasingly Specialized Attackers

 The Cybersecurity attacks have expanded to all scopes ranging from password thefts to network attacks.

The world of Hackers is maturing and becoming more organized and sophisticated. They have access to most modern tools and are constantly streaming through websites and networks for finding entry points.

As more and more small companies are investing in connected technology and the internet of things, there is a growing requirement for safeguarding these entry points and protect the organization from cyber-attacks.

Growing Device Usage

Employees are using multiple devices to do their daily work. From remote workstations to office laptops, all devices have to be secured to avoid threats.

In the current diverse work environment, many employees work remotely, use multiple devices, equipment, collaboration through teams, software, etc.

Hence, safeguarding the systems through advanced firewalls and network security is very crucial for protecting data hacks in large organizations.

Growing Hackers Ecosystem

Hackers now have access to a wide range of technology tools to break into your security systems.

Organizations have to ensure data security and information system protection is vital in today’s complex environment.

Regulatory Compliance

The compliance laws have strengthened cybersecurity measures and violations will cost heavily for the organizations now.

With the advent of cloud-based platforms, a huge amount of data is store online in cloud servers. Cloud-based data security systems are must-haves for the organization to remain safe from hackers.

Real Importance of Data Security – GDPR and Beyond

Protecting private data of the brand is of utmost importance. Companies are investing efforts in building data security systems and firewalls to protect sensitive data.

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other information protection laws in place, the cost of a data breach is magnified. There are stringent audits in place for non -compliance of IT systems.

Securing the IT Infrastructure

A robust data security plan is essential for today’s organizations to stay protected from cyber-attacks.

Integrated security management will equip the organization to reduce the risks of data breach and security threats.

That’s where ISO 27001 comes as a great support for organization efforts of cybersecurity.

Securing the Mobile Devices

 In today’s world securing your mobile devices is essential. A lot of daily operations have shifted towards mobile such as online payments, bookings, call-center support, appointments, etc.

Hence, a lot of user data are stored in apps and mobiles. Data Security in Mobiles has become a prime focus.

Organizations must ensure employee devices are configured and protected using firewalls when they are at work, home or public places.

Taking a Proactive Approach

A robust security management system has to be in place to monitor and track all the information technology systems and processes. All potential risks must be identified and mitigated by creating an action plan.

 Hence, taking a proactive approach will help the organization to identify risk and vulnerabilities, and take required corrective actions.

Password Protection

 Most of the cyber hacks are happening through password hacking. Hence a strong password related policy must be in place. Periodic change of passwords is very essential to avoid hacks.

Biometrics or behavioral passwords are difficult to recreate. Hence organizations must introduce the latest measures to ensure password protection.

Conducting Periodic Audits

Ensure the organization is conducting regular audits of its IT systems. The audits will help in identifying the loopholes and vulnerabilities in the current system.

Frequent audits enhance compliance and the information collected can prove vital in developing a robust data security plan.

So with a robust information technology security system, the organization can protect its IT assets from cyber-attacks and design their IT network such a way that it is not prone to external attacks.

It helps in building a secure IT ecosystem that can be accessed only with authorization and restrict entry for external devices or connections.

To know more about ISO 27001:2013 Certification and implement an IT Security system in your organization, talk to our expert ISO consultants.

Contact: Aurion ISO Consultants

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ISO Consultant who is expert in writing about the latest ISO Certification Standard, Business Benefits of various ISO Standards, Organizational Improvements, ISO Training, ISO Auditing, Latest ISO Certification Amendments and more.