Companies are preferring to get ISO 9001:2015 Certification to achieve enhanced product quality and raise customer satisfaction.
To stay competitive in the dynamic market situation, quality products & services are pre-requisite. It helps in delivering exceptional customer experience and customer satisfaction.
ISO 9001:2015 Certification – Key Highlights
ISO 9001 Certification Standard requires an implementation of a Quality Management System. Getting ISO 9001:2015 by merely following the Quality Manuals and Procedures does not help in achieving the desired organizational goals.
A practice of continuous improvement by taking the right corrective action is the key. Also, employee support and knowledge of the business operations lead to better optimization of the system.
The Quality Management System principles ensure that employees are onboarded with the right training and have hands-on with the newly implemented system.
How much does ISO Certification Cost?
The Cost of ISO Certification depends on the desired standard and a couple of other parameters like the size and complexity of the organizational internal process.
The cost components can be categorized into:
- Development Costs – time spent documenting and implementing the system
- Employee Training Costs – For onboarding employees to prepare the required documents to plan and execute internal audits
- Cost of ISO Certification Registration- Lastly, there is the cost of registration that will have the auditing and the Quality Management System Certification cost.
Again, based on the number of employees, the scope of the project, desired ISO Certification Standards, the cost varies accordingly.
Why Choose ISO 9001:2015 Certification?
1. Standardized Operations
ISO 9001:2015 Certification helps in achieving product and service standardization across the organization. It helps in simplifying production and ensure product consistency and safety.
Standardized operations enable great cost savings and production efficiency for the organization.

The implementation of QMS will ensure the organization follows a certain standard operating procedure in their manufacturing and delivery of services ensuring a standardized approach across locations.
2. Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Most of the companies prefer ISO 9001 Certification to get the client orders or as a mandatory requirement for business sustainability.
However, in a long run getting ISO 9001:2015 Certified will help to gain more trust among customers as a quality first company.
It in turn helps in enhancing customer satisfaction by delivering memorable customer experiences.
3. Improve Product Quality
Achieving product quality is the prime objective of ISO 9001:2015 Certification. The standardization of product manufacturing will result in increased product quality and reduce wastage.
The QMS ensures the highest quality levels are maintained during the production. There are reduced processing errors and required corrective actions are to be taken accordingly.
4. Implement Company Process Optimization
Identify the risks associated with the process of the current operation and devise corrective actions. The operation process must be optimized to enhance process efficiency.
The QMS system has to be implemented to meet the organizational goals and achieve the desired process optimizations and quality levels.
5. Enhance Operational Consistency
The operational consistency is achieved through a robust Quality Management System. It will provide the required framework and guidelines to optimize the process.
Also to enhance the operational performance, the ISO Certification implementation will help in identifying the vulnerabilities in the management system and provide the required actions to be taken.
Operational consistency is the key to achieving higher product quality. It in turn helps in achieving enhanced customer satisfaction due to delivering quality products and services.
6. Reduce Wastage and Save Money
A well-executed ISO Management System helps in achieving great cost savings. QMS System helps in achieving the following organizational goals.
- Optimizing products/services
- Becoming more consistent in executing the operational process
- Measuring the variations in results and devising the action plan
- Reducing waste and controlling production cost and more

7. Enhance Business Collaboration
ISO Certification enables the organization to collaborate with international companies and other national institutes to promote the business services easily.
The global popularity of ISO Standard helps in building effective business relations easily.
The Standardization of products and services across the world will have a high acceptance among partners and other businesses work with you.
8. Global Recognition
Gain global attention by getting ISO Certification and gain credibility as a quality first company. The customers, partners, associates will have more trust to work with an ISO Certified Company.
Also, most of the large corporations and government institutes work with only partners who are ISO Certified.
Hence, getting an ISO 9001:2015 Certified is a great investment to build a reputation as well as reduce the significant cost of operations and achieve great profits consistently.
To know more about ISO 9001:2015 Certification in UAE, talk to our expert ISO Consultants right away!
Contact: Aurion ISO Consultants