5 Reasons Why You should get ISO 9001:2015 Certified in the UAE?

Why should I get ISO 9001:2015 Certified? It is a common question our team of consultants regularly hear from our new clients here in Dubai, UAE.

Aurion ISO Consultants, UAE generally provide awareness session for them. After understanding the benefits reaped from ISO Certification, they eagerly sign up for the certification process instantly.

Let’s look at all the reasons for getting an ISO 9001:2015 Certification and what are the key business benefits of getting this ISO Standard certification.

ISO 9001 Certificate – Key Benefits

An organization that is pursuing to obtain an ISO 9001:2015 Certification must clear an ISO Certification audit by a registered ISO Consultancy.

Based on business activity, the audit is conducted across various departments and functions. It identifies the current level of quality process implementation, the scope of continuous improvement, and several parameters like employee satisfaction, documentation, customer satisfaction, etc. and finally arrive at the decision of issuing the certificate.

The certificate is issued for a period of 3 years and requires a renewal every 3 years (the re-certification audit must be performed 3 months prior to expiry post which new certification will be issued).

Failing to adhere to the quality standards and process optimizations that comply to the ISO standards will lead to the certificate not being renewed by the registered agency.

1. Meeting Customer Requirements

ISO Standard Certificate is considered as the benchmark for quality of products & services, and that is accepted worldwide.

Most organizations require their vendors to be ISO Certified. This is seen as a factor that raises confidence among the organization as well as the end-customers.

Hence as a short-term gain in business, main organizations and suppliers get certified for ISO 9001:2015 standard. ISO Certifications must be considered as a long-term investment that drives adherence to continuous process improvements.

2. Improved Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Embracing the quality standards through continual process improvement will result in customer satisfaction. It is a win for the organization as due to quality product delivery and effective customer experience, new customers will return for a repeat purchase.

3. Enhance Business Revenue by Acquiring New Customers

With ISO Certification you are boosting your advertising efforts to be known as a “quality first” company. It helps in acquiring new customers who consider ISO 9001 certification a “must have”. Attaining global recognition will help in opening up new market opportunities at an international level.

4. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Improved Work Culture

Implementing ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) empowers the employees and sets defined KPIs and clear expectations (quality goals, workflows, etc.).

It enhances employee confidence, motivation and improves productivity with the well-structured process flows, objectives, and suggested tools. Thus, it, in turn, transforms the organizations work culture. The key focus will be towards boosting employee morale, continuous process improvements, and enhanced productivity.

5. Documented Workflow Process and Constant Improvement in Operations

ISO certification requires preparation of complete documentation of an organization’s operational process, quality assurance policies, operations manual, etc.

Complying with ISO Standards ensures consistent delivery of quality products. The implementation of thorough quality checks and assurance processes will ensure uniformity in product/service delivery. It eventually results in customer delight and increased business growth.

How to get started with ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001:2015 certification is a hassle-free process with Aurion ISO Consultants, UAE, Dubai.

Our team of experts will guide you through the certification process and work with you to ensure the issuance of ISO certification. We assure you with a perfect implementation process that drives continuous improvement and business growth.

The broad steps to get ISO 9001:2015 Certification

1. Gap Analysis

Before the ISO Certification, to check whether your existing practices conform with ISO requirements, a gap analysis is to be performed. It helps in assessing your current operations and benchmark with industry standards.

2. Formal Assessment

It is generally two staged processes with an internal audit and the implementation process.

The internal audit is to assess the procedures and controls and whether they comply with ISO requirements. Once the assessment is complete, the necessary implementation of the quality process is started. The implementation must adhere to the ISO requirements.

3. Certification and beyond

Post the successful implementation there will be an external audit from the accredited registered agent. The systems and process will be assessed and check for compliance with ISO standards.

The certified issued will be for 3 years and is a renewable contract.

The consultants from Aurion will ensure that all your implementations are in compliance with the ISO Standards and that it drives continuous improvement and value addition to your business.

For all your ISO certification related queries, feel free to reach out to us any time.

Contact Aurion International

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About the author

ISO Consultant who is expert in writing about the latest ISO Certification Standard, Business Benefits of various ISO Standards, Organizational Improvements, ISO Training, ISO Auditing, Latest ISO Certification Amendments and more.