ISO Certification Consulting Going Remote

The key to the success of an ISO Certification Project is the Consultant’s knowledge. Certified and expert consultants will be able to share solutions and techniques derived from real-life experiences.

They would be knowing the best strategies for any situation. In such cases, remote ISO Consulting will be a success.

Scope of Remote ISO Certification for Organizations

ISO Internal auditors training and awareness training could be issued remotely to the audience.

With proper coordination with the Consultant and the team, gap analysis could be performed remotely and corrective steps and solutions could be devised.

And in the presence of an internal auditor, the organization can audit their systems and process remotely and conduct a management review.

What About Specific ISO Certification Standard Implementation?

Now, the consultant can provide the audit reports to the certifying body for the final assessment.

ISO Standards such as ISO 9001:2015 for quality management standards could be easily implemented remotely.

Remote ISO Consulting – Specific Standards

When it comes to specialized standards such as IT Security, the process becomes quite challenging as a lot of amendments would be required and frequent meetings are must-haves.

There are a few Internationally accepted certification bodies that offer ISO 9001:2015 Certification remotely.

There are few evident advantages as well as challenges in remote ISO Certification Consulting.

ISO Certification online is a fast, cost-effective way to achieve ISO 9001 certification for your business.

Steps in Online ISO Certification

  • Completion of online application form
  • Working remotely to develop a Quality Management System that meets ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
  • Ensure that the requirements of QMS have been implemented correctly
  • Conduct an audit on the management system with the help of an internal auditor in your company.
  • Once the ISO 9001:2015 Compliant audit report is received, the ISO 9001 certificate will be issued.
  • Annually the report will be assessed and certification will be renewed.

Remote Audit for ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Remote Audit is conducted offsite by the ISO Auditor during the annual surveillance for ISO Certification renewal.

As a practice, a remote audit is available only to any certified organization during its second year of certification.

Remote Audits are not recommended more than once every two years and must schedule only for the grade 1 or 2 pass for the previous audit was recorded.

It is important to maintain then compliance with ISO Certification Standards, and hence, only companies who 100% follow quality practices are given the privilege of the remote audit.

Benefits of Remote ISO Certification Consulting

There are a variety of benefits for the organization as well as the auditing consultant from remote auditing. Few of them are

1. Saving Time and Money with Using Technology

With modern video conferencing and online file-sharing platforms in place, the organization can save significantly in terms of expenses and time spent on commuting.

2. Avoiding Travelling to Difficult Location

Certain client locations might be hard to reach, or entry restricted, unavailability for parking space, etc. Going online helps in avoiding all the real-world difficulties of reaching a place.

At times international travel may be expensive and time-consuming, online consulting help in merging the physical distance and enhancing efficiency by handling multiple meetings for the same time traveling to onsite.

3. Logistics Related to Auditing Not Needed

Online consulting helps eliminate the requirement of meeting rooms, audit team accommodation, interruption to employee’s regular workflow, other inconveniences faced in real-time during an audit.

4. Enhanced Efficiency of Audit Team

The audit team will be at their comfort and work efficiently, they would have access to the high-speed internet, files, system to work effectively.

Unlike, on the client’s premises they would only have a few hours to complete the audit. They would be real-time situations of employee availability or any emergency  

Barriers to Conducting Remote Audit

When it comes to Remote consulting and auditing, there are few challenges the consultants and organizations experiences

1. Not all Accreditation Bodies Approve Remote Audits

Not all prominent certification bodies approve remote auditing and certification.

The main reason is trust in a remote audit. Few Certification Bodies have concerns about performing a complete audit without visiting the location.

2. Issues with Technology

Some of the key information required to complete the audit might not be available digitally or will have security or confidentially clauses to be shared online. In such cases, it becomes not feasible to conduct online audits.

Also, certain industries where there is sensitive or user data involved, privacy policy and data sharing clause will come in action protecting sharing via online making it a hindrance to ISO Audit and Certification

3. Lack of Involvement

Often in the e-Audit, there will be misalignment with the consultant and the organization as both of them work remotely during the audits.

There can arise instances of lack of attention from both parties and sharing required information at the right time making the e-audit slow.

Also, the audit company must ensure the consultant is equipped with the right tools and documents required to conduct internal audits and process improvements.

4. Trusting the Audit

Trust in e-Audit is a concern with many of the organizations. Gap analysis and ISO Process audits are best to be done through physical inspections.

It is easier to identify the non-conformance of the organization and provide corrective actions.

Some of the crucial areas could be omitted by the e-audit as there is a gap in communication between the audit form and organization.

5. Insufficient Auditor Training and Experience

Lack of training or experience of auditor conducting the remote audit can lead to the unsuccessful implementation of ISO Certification.

The audit team must collect all required information to correctly conduct the audit and assess the process quality of the organization.

To know more about Remote ISO Certification Consulting and enquire about ISO Certification, reach out to our expert team!

Contact: Aurion ISO Consultants

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About the author

ISO Consultant who is expert in writing about the latest ISO Certification Standard, Business Benefits of various ISO Standards, Organizational Improvements, ISO Training, ISO Auditing, Latest ISO Certification Amendments and more.