ISO 50001:2018 Certification
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Energy Management System Certification Standard in UAE

ISO 50001 Certification in UAE

ISO 50001 Certification in UAE

Energy Management is a critical component in organizations for saving energy consumption cost and conserving natural resources. It also helps in the protection of environment and reduces carbon footprint.

The ISO 50001 Certification in UAE aids organizations across all industry verticals to conserve energy and use it efficiently. The ISO 50001 Standard provides a frame work for developing an Energy Management System for organizations to achieve their energy consumption goals.

ISO 50001:2018 Certification Standard - Energy Management System Certificate

ISO 50001 Standard is built on the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ management model and is in sync with other well-known Standards such as the ISO 9001 Certification and ISO 14001 Certification. Hence, the integration of Energy Management Standard into other Quality and Environmental Standard is relatively easy.

ISO 50001:2018 Standard provides the following requirements for organizations to comply with achieving the certification:

  •   Frame a policy for more efficient energy use
  •   Determine target and goals to comply with the policy
  •   Data analysis for better understanding and decision making on energy use
  •   Measure the energy consumption performance
  •   Review policy implementation and its effectiveness
  •   Continually improve energy management

Who is ISO 50001 Certification best-suited for?

The ISO 50001 Certification Standard offers a systematic methodology for any organizational size, including small and medium to large MNCs. ISO 50001 Certification in UAE helps organizations to establish their own Energy Management System, determine goals and achieve results.

Demand for Energy Management System

Over the recent years, environmental protection has become a major concern. The sustainability of business establishments in the long run is very much dependent on the natural environment and resources.

Hence, protecting natural environment and reducing the consumption of natural resources is the need of the hour.

The ISO Standards such as 14001,9001, and 50001 helps in achieving a great level of sustainability by cutting down the over dependency on natural resources and helping to protect the natural habitat by following certain nature friendly business process implementations.

Benefits of adopting Energy Management System Standards in UAE

The Energy Management System established a framework to implement technical and management strategies that will affect cutting down energy costs, lowering carbon emissions and attaining sustainability in the long run. The operational improvements will help in reducing the long-run dependence on natural non renewable resources.

Energy Management System Certification

On a broad level, the following are the business benefits from ISO 50001 Standard implementation for an organization

  •   Reduce energy use and carbon emission in a systematic way
  •   Obtain a clear status on current energy use and determine the future goals and targets
  •   Implement new energy efficient technologies and measures to reduce cost
  •   Develop framework to promote energy efficiency throughout the supply chain
  •   Provide guidance on benchmarking, documentation and reporting of corporate energy use

ISO 50001:2018 Standard - Potential Energy Savings

The ISO 50001 Standard is widely adopted worldwide and currently is the most in-demand International Certification. Companies are increasingly integrating ISO 50001 Standard into their corporate sustainability strategies and supplier requirements. Due to its alignment with the global environment protection policy and the energy saving benefits, it is becoming a must-have Standard in today’s world.

The voluntary adoption to ISO 50001:2018 and successful implementation by organizations will result in effective management of almost 60% of world’s energy use across major economic sectors.

Factors expected to drive broad adoption of ISO 50001:2018 Standard include

  •   Awareness of energy management standards throughout the supply chain
  •   Proven results of low energy usage and carbon reductions
  •   Corporate environmental practices and sustainability strategies (lowering dependence on non renewable energy sources, reducing carbon footprints, etc.)

ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Standard in Dubai

The organizations in Dubai, UAE follow innovative and advanced technologies for energy management. Aligning with the UAE government’s Energy Strategy 2050 initiative for a clean energy generation and increase consumption efficiency, organizations in UAE are striving ahead with energy efficient strategies and action plans.

ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Certification is the best available solution currently to opt-in for achieving the clean energy objective faster in the UAE.

Aurion ISO Consultants are experts in Training, Certification and implementation of ISO 50001:2018 Standards in UAE. To know more about ISO 50001 Certification in Dubai, UAE; reach out to us today itself!

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